©Paul o’Dowd, 2013
In many environments, various organisms
emit a ghostly green, blue, yellow or even red radiance.
On the reef and in the rainforest,
bioluminescent displays are an important feature of the nocturnal landscape.
The spooky emanations may appear
as points of light, blinking or otherwise, dotting the rainforest floor.
It may look like inexplicable
patches of moonlight under the rainforest canopy on a moonless night.
It may appear as flashing
pin-points of brilliance, carving punctuated tracks through the gaps in the
Some generators of this living
light will flock into large groups that shimmer with random scintillations
which occasionally become synchronized, causing pulses of light to course
through the collective.
Sometimes, simply moving through
certain environments can result in vivid blue emissions which leave persistent
glowing records of your passage.
In each of these cases, the light is
being emitted by an amazing chemical reaction which appears to have evolved
independently in a number of very different organisms.
Some important ideas in chemistry
are very useful at this point.
For a chemical reaction to occur
there needs to be enough energy available to drive the process.
Some reactions happen easily, like
acid eating limestone, just drop it in and it’ll be white froth in seconds.
Other reactions need a push, like scrubbing poisons from your car exhaust,
which requires heat and a controlled environment and a catalyst.
Catalysts help reactions to occur
by holding the reactants in exactly the state they need to be in, in order to
Enzymes are biological catalysts.
Organic pigments called “luciferins”
can, under certain conditions, react with oxygen to produce light.
These conditions are not easily
arranged for inside living tissues because this reaction requires lots of
energy to kick it off.
Enzymes, collectively referred to
as “luciferase”, catalyze the reaction, lowering the energy required for the
process and bringing it within the energy budget available to cells.
Various approaches to bioluminescence
include the addition of other chemicals like ATP to help energize the reaction
or modify the colour of the light it produces, but luciferin, luciferase and
oxygen are the basis of the reaction.
Bioluminescence serves many
functions in nature.
Fireflies flash their lights as
signals to mates and rivals.
They can also form large
tree-bound swarms that become semi-synchronized, and in such a state the light
may serve as a means of coordinating the group for social or reproductive
Flashlight fish do something very
similar. They swim in dense schools which display a bright scintillating
flicker across the school.
As the fish approach other animals
they begin to coordinate their flashes and gradually fall into perfect pulsing
synchrony. As the school passes, the pattern falls apart and the random
scintillations once again come to dominate the display.
This behaviour probably serves to
keep the school together on their nocturnal meanderings and probably has a
defensive function by either dazzling, confusing or intimidating would-be
It might also help to illuminate
prey or even light the way.
Various deep sea fish use their
light production skills to directly illuminate their world for finding food and
for hazard detection and avoidance.
Recently, red bioluminescence was
discovered in a number of deep sea fish including anglerfish and dragonfish.
Most fish do not see the colour
red. Their eyes are not equipped with the hardware to detect light of that
The fish with red lanterns are
also equipped with eyes sensitive to red light.
The ability to produce and
perceive red light provides these fish with a band of illumination that none of
their prey, or their own predators, can perceive. This represents a stealth
vision system on par with any radar or night goggles the military might devise.
Just as stealthy is the emission
of light as a means of camouflage.
When viewed from below, objects in
the ocean appear as clear silhouettes against the even illumination of the
A carefully tuned emission of
light from the lower surface of many fish enables them to blend into the
luminous background of the surface, making them nearly invisible when viewed
from below.
The sudden appearance of bright
light can perturb many small predators. This may be due to the fear of higher
order predators noticing the action and popping by.
Many small marine creatures and a
good number of forest invertebrates, appear to produce light for this reason,
highlighting to anyone watching, a spot in the landscape where something is going on.
Glow worms in the rainforest are
in fact larval fireflies which are themselves, not flies but beetles. They
produce a steady, or slowly pulsing, bead of light in the leaf litter.
Many predators of insect larvae
seek their prey amongst the dark environment of the forest floor. They seek out
dark places and have little love of the light.
An animal with an aversion to
light is described as “negatively phototactic”.
The glow worm may be employing a
repulsive defense against the dark loving predators of the rainforest leaf
litter habitat.
On a similar note, and still
within the rainforest, fungi are amongst the best known bioluminescent
Different parts of a fungus may
In some cases the mushroom produces
sharp pinpoints of relatively bright light.
In others, the microscopic threads,
or mycelium, of the fungus, produce dim and diffuse patches of light that look
like moonlight striking the rotting humus through which the mycelium grows.
In the case of the mushroom, it is
a reproductive organ and it has spores to distribute.
Conscripting the use of flying
creatures that are generally positively phototactic, is a great way to spread
these spores.
In the case of the mycelium, it
has nothing to distribute, but it is edible.
Creatures who eat fungus must seek
it where it grows; in dark, wet places. They are usually repelled by light.
When a negatively phototactic,
fungus feeding, leaf litter critter finds itself in a place full of edible
fungus but lit like a stadium, they may think twice about sticking around for
long enough to do any real damage.
Bioluminescence attracts, repels,
illuminates and obscures. It also inspires art, with fantasy landscapes
glowing, and science with powerful lighting technologies already on the market.
The next time you’re on a night
dive, spare a thought for the pedigree of the light stick you’ve tied to your
tank and its direct relationship to the light you see in the creatures all
around you.